Just to let people know that currently we are still working towards holding a 2022 Show. Clearly with the current situation there is, as yet, no guarantee COVID levels nearer April will allow this but we will follow government guidance and keep readers updated.
Layouts, Traders & Societies
To date after the first round of contacting prospective attendees we have 23 confirmed layouts and 30 Traders. Replies are awaited from further layouts and traders and the process of contacting our regular Society stand holders is about to commence.
Advance tickets:
We are in the process of changing banks, the Box Office will open when that process is completed.
I purchase tickets for the 2019 Model Show could you tell me are they still valid for the up and coming 2022 show. Or will i have to purchase two more tickets THANK YOU
Unused, pre-paid Advance tickets remain valid for 2022.
We can confirm that existing bought tickets will remain valid for future shows – We will post an update regarding refund options as soon as that is possible.
Is 2022 on When can i get tickets
i wouid like 4 advanced tickets
Given the announcement is now live that the Show has had to be called off I am sure you can understand the delayed response to this post. I apologise for the delay but the go/no go decision was awaiting banking news. As they have not, yet, Ok’d the new account we had to make the decision to pull the show. See our Press Release text on the site’s Update page for our full statement.
Is the model show off or on
Sadly it is now called off – for the text of our Press Release explaining the reasons visit the Updates page. Updating the YMRS website today is a nightmare, our internet speed today is so slow it is like wading through treacle.