Website bug hunting

By | October 2, 2018

Website progress

Another brief post to update things generally. Several more pages copied over from the old site to the new iteration of the site today.  The Layouts page is now updated with the confirmed entries for 2019, with many more to come. The prices and opening hours are confirmed and the Box Office is open for postal applications. It will also be open soon for PayPal on-line purchasing but please give us another day or two for that option to be ready for public opening.

With regard to the general information the information for families is now copied over as is that for our less than mobile visitors. We anticipate the remainder of the conversion will be complete within a few days.

Bug hunting

Of the two problematic, and totally unexpected bugs that have been delaying progress, one is now fully fixed and the other (PayPal) partially so. The problem we have overcome was that we had turned on a setting that forced our site to use the secure format for web-links of https:, for the record that is still the case., our site should report back as secure. The unfortunate problem was that the tool initially chosen to create that also changed every outgoing link to be https too, irrespective of whether the intended target website was/was not https compliant! Several wasted hours until the light bulb moment struck and the cure applied. The second we also think we have now fixed but it is still in the testing phase, a corruption on the PayPal link was sending the test payments into the wrong account. No question of fraud or anything untoward like that but another mystery bug/rogue setting to be tracked down and fixed.

Advance tickets for Christmas perhaps?

About half-way through the year to Easter already, looking forward to seeing you all again. Don’t forget if you are planning on buying anyone tickets as a Christmas present, please allow for posting time both outward and back to you.



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