During the show period
The Show Admin Desk is on the Ground Floor, if items are handed in we will use the venue’s public address system to try to reunite items with owners.
Temporary contact number – If you get home and think that you lost something whilst attending the show please ring, or text, the Show Information Desk on 07778 271 312 (Mobile) during show hours (answering message service available overnight). The same mobile phone number may also be used for this purpose for a few days after the show closes.
After the Show:
Owner/address identifiable items: if the owner has not already contacted us we will endeavour to contact you to arrange a return. If the item includes a return address we will post it to the address shown, examples include driving licences, bus passes, wallets etc.
Owner unidentified items: One of the Show Admin staff will have it*. We will post details of the unclaimed items on our website and social media feeds etc., examples include clothing, dropped modelling items etc.
Disposal – After six weeks any unclaimed items will be disposed of as appropriate to the specific item. Any funds raised will be donated to the RNLI.
Email – Use the general and website email address – General & web site email
*The reason this varies is it depends on the size of the item and who is available at the Show end.
(After the show section updated 24 February 2023)
After non-YMRS events at the Racecourse
YMRS do occasionally receive calls after other events asking about a lost property item presumably when a Google, or similar search, has picked up on this page. Obviously we cannot help you other than to add the following information regarding the Racecourse’s own lost property process.
“All lost property is handed in to our office receptionist however, our offices are not manned on weekends. Therefore, it would be the next working day after the event that racecourse staff could be contacted (tel 01904 620911).” Info as received from York Racecourse in January 2023.