Thank you for visiting our advance tickets
on-line purchase page.
2018 Box office now closed
For multiple tickets of the same type select the desired Add to Cart button and then change the 1 to the required number at the check out stage. (Further notes below)
Postage & Packing at £1.00 will also be added to your order at the checkout stage.*
i-pad, i-phone and tablet users MUST use a browser NOT Google (See below)
* The £1 is still less than the cost of the two stamps and envelopes for the outgoing order and return SAE. - Page/prices - 2016 prices held again for 2018 show. (page reactivated Oct '17)
Additional explanatory notes (Added 27 February 2018)
1) Ordering - when you click the Add to Cart button it adds a single ticket to the cart and should also simultaneously open the shopping cart in a second tab/window. On that screen you can add or subtract the number of tickets required.
2) Second ticket type: If you need a second type of ticket reopen the first tab and again add one on with the Add to Cart button which should add an extra row into the cart ready for any additional adjustment of the number required as for (1).
3) Payment - The second tab/window also has the link to move on and pay via PayPal.
The problem reported has now been traced and replicated by the YMRS team and appears to be an issue for users of the Google search app (Not their Chrome browser). The app tries to link directly to the PayPal log-in page rather than opening the second tab/window. To cure copy and past the page link into a standard browser and retry.
If the fault recurs for you please try an alternative browser.
NB: The ticketing code is as supplied by PayPal and the View Cart button above appears to be (a) superfluous and (b) does not always work as expected!